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Modified motorcycles in Malaysia will be seized

Oct 18, 2023

In Bikes, Local Bike News / By Mohan K Ramanujam / 30 November 2022 11:08 am / 79 comments

Police would like to remind Malaysian riders modifying their motorcycles beyond what is allowed by the law will result in not just a fine, but also seizure of the vehicle. Under Section 64 of the Road Transport Act 1987, police has the power to seize an illegally modified vehicle or detain the vehicle till remedial work is performed.

This is over and above the penalty that will be imposed for flouting the law, which is up to RM2,000 or not more than six months in jail under Section 103 under the Vehicle Regulation Act (Manufacture and Use) 1959 LN 170/1959.

In a social media post from the Traffic Enforcement and Investigation Department (JSPT) Ampang Jaya, Kuala Lumpur, several seized motorcycles are seen with modifications to the swingarm and exhaust as well as narrow section tyres. Defining modifications in this instance as alterations to the original structure of the vehicle, police remind riders not to do so or face the penalty.